Jeanette Makhoul


Coaching Services

I offer a range of personalized coaching services to meet your needs. From one-on-one coaching sessions to group workshops, to group coaching sessions, and seminars there’s a pathway to growth that’s right for you.

Our Coaching Programs

One-on-One Coaching

Tailored coaching sessions focused solely on your personal journey.

Group Workshops

Engage in interactive group sessions to learn and grow alongside others.


Attend insightful seminars covering various topics related to personal development.

Please note that coaching contracts typically span over a duration of three months, ensuring comprehensive support throughout your journey.

How to Get Started

Ready to take the next step towards self-discovery and empowerment?

Follow these simple steps to begin your coaching journey

Schedule a Discovery Session

Book a free 45-minute discovery chat to explore your goals and see if we're a good fit.

Select Your Coaching Program

Choose the coaching program that best aligns with your needs and preferences.

Book Your Sessions

Once you've chosen your program, book your coaching sessions at a frequency that suits you best.

Pricing Information

Investing in your personal growth is investing in your future.

Here’s a breakdown of the pricing for my coaching services

Discovery Session

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Free of Charge

One-on-One Coaching Session

Package Rates Available for Multiple Sessions
(60 minutes)



Ready to Begin Your Journey?

Start your transformative journey towards personal growth and fulfillment!